Tisdag 12 september delades European Steel Design Award ut i Amsterdam. Varvsbron i Helsingborg var en av finalisterna. Varvsbron tilldelades priset ESDA23 Special Award – Integrated Design och fick ta emot plakett och diplom under prisutdelningen. I ”Special Award – Integrated Design” lyfter man fram helheten i stålbyggnadsprojektet. Design, konstruktion, metod, tillverkning montage och slutprodukt.
Juryns motivering är: ”Varvsbron pedestrian bridge is a technoid masterpiece of integrated engineering concept and design as well as fabrication and erection. It is a stunning example of classy steel construction. The structurally sound pedestrian bridge is not only an architectural eyecatcher. The structurally sound pedestrian bridge is not only an architectural eyecatcher and practical link over the harbour waters but nicely invites to stroll and stay, enjoying the urban quality of the spot.”